Sunday 1 June 2014

kenapa KAMU yang KUpilih !!!

Ini adalah kisah seorang pemuda tampan yang soleh dalam memilih calon isteri
Semoga pelajaran yang ada di dalam kisah ini dapat manfaat bagi kita semua, terutama Muslimah yang belum menikah semoga menjadi renungan.
Ia sangat tampan, taat (soleh), berpendidikan baik, orang tua nya menekannya untuk segera menikah.
Telah ramai calon isteri yang tampil datang menawarkan diri untuk diperisterikan beliau, namun dia telah menolaknya kesemuanya
Orang tua nya menyangkakan mungkin saja ada seseorang yang berada di fikirannya.
Namun setiap kali orangtuanya membawa seorang wanita ke rumah, pemuda itu selalu mengatakan “dia bukanlah orangnya!”
Pemuda itu menginginkan seorang gadis yang kuat beragama serta mengamalkan agamanya dengan baik (solehah).
Suatu malam, orang tua nya mengatur sebuah pertemuan untuknya, untuk bertemu dengan seorang gadis, yang kuat beragama dan mengamalkan agamanya dengan baik
Pada malam itu, pemuda itu dan gadis yang dibawakan oleh orang tua nya itu, dibiarkan untuk berbicara, dan saling menanyakan pertanyaan antara satu sama lainnya.
Pemuda tampan itu, mengizinkan gadis itu untuk bertanya terlebih dahulu.
Gadis itu menanyakan banyak pertanyaan terhadap pemuda itu, dia menanyakan tentang kehidupan pemuda itu, pendidikannya, teman-temannya, keluarganya, kebiasaannya, hobinya, gaya hidupnya, apa yang ia sukai, masa lalunya, pengalamannya, bahkan ukuran sepatunya…
Si pemuda tampan menjawab semua pertanyaan gadis itu dengan tertib dan sopan.
Dengan tersenyum, gadis itu telah lebih dari satu jam, merasa bosan, kerana ia sedari tadi yang bertanya-tanya, dan kemudian meminta pemuda itu, apakah ia ingin bertanya sesuatu padanya?
Pemuda itu mengatakan,
"Baiklah, Saya hanya ada 3 pertanyaan"
Gadis itu berfikir girang,
"baiklah hanya 3 pertanyaan, lemparkanlah"
Pemuda itu menanyakan pertanyaan pertama:
"Siapakah yang paling awak cintai di dunia ini, seseorang yang dicintai yang tidak ada yang akan pernah mengalahkannya?"
"Ini adalah pertanyaan mudah, ...ibuku" (katanya sambil tersenyum)
Pertanyaan ke-2
"Awak kata, awak banyak membaca Al-Qur’an, bolehkah awak memberitahuku surah mana yang awak ketahui ertinya?
Gadis: (Mendegar itu wajah si Gadis memerah dan malu), "aku belum tahu ertinya sama sekali, tetapi aku berharap segera mengetahuinya insya Allah, aku hanya sedikit sibuk"
Pertanyaan ke-3
"Saya telah dilamar untuk menikah, dengan gadis-gadis yang jauh lebih cantik daripada dirimu, Mengapa saya harus menikahimu?"
Mendengar itu si Gadis menjadi marah, lantas dia mengadu kepada orang tua pemuda tersebut:
(Dengan nada marah) "Aku tidak ingin menikahi lelaki ini, dia menghina kecantikan dan kepintaranku!!"
Dan akhirnya orangtua si pemuda sekali lagi tidak mencapai kesepakatan menikah.
Kali ini orangtua si pemuda sangat marah, dan bertanya
"Mengapa kamu membuat marah gadis itu, keluarganya sangat baik dan menyenangkan, dan mereka kuat beragama seperti yang kamu inginkan.
Mengapa kamu bertanya (seperti itu) kepada gadis itu??!!
Beritahu kami!”
Pemuda itu mengatakan,
Pertama aku bertanya kepadanya, siapa yang paling awak cintai? dia menjawab, ibunya. (Orangtuanya mengatakan, “apa yang salah dengan itu?”)
Pemuda itu menjawab,
“Tidaklah dikatakan Muslim, hingga dia mencintai ALLAH dan RasulNya (salallahu’alaihi wa sallam) melebihi siapapun di dunia ini”.
"Jika seorang wanita mencintai Allah dan Nabi (salallahu’alaihi wa sallam) lebih dari siapapun, dia akan mencintaiku dan menghormatiku, dan tetap setia padaku, kerana cinta itu, dan ketakutannya kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, dan kami akan berbagi cinta ini, kerana cinta ini adalah yang lebih besar daripada nafsu untuk kecantikan"
Pemuda itu berkata, "kemudian aku bertanya, kamu banyak membaca Al-Qur’an, dapatkan kamu memberitahuku erti dari salah satu surah?"
"Dan dia mengatakan tidak, kerana belum memiliki waktu. Maka aku fikir semua manusia itu mati, kecuali mereka yang memiliki ilmu.
Dia telah hidup selama 20 tahun dan tidak menemukan waktu untuk mencari ilmu, mengapa Aku harus menikahi seorang wanita yang tidak mengetahui hak-hak dan kewajibannya, dan apa yang akan dia ajarkan kepada anak-anakku, kecuali bagaimana untuk menjadi lalai, kerana wanita adalah madrasah (sekolah) dan guru terbaik.
Dan seorang wanita yang tidak memiliki waktu untuk Allah, tidak akan memiliki waktu untuk suaminya"
"Pertanyaan ketiga yang aku tanyakan kepadanya, bahawa banyak gadis yang lebih cantik darinya, yang telah melamarku untuk menikah, mengapa Aku harus memilihmu?
Itulah mengapa dia mengadu, marah"
Orangtua si pemuda mengatakan bahawa itu adalah hal yang tidak seharusnya untuk dipersoalkan, mengapa kamu melakukan hal semacam itu, kita harus kembali meminta maaf...
Si pemuda mengatakan bahwa Nabi (salallahu’alaihi wa sallam) mengatakan
"Jangan marah, jangan marah, jangan marah”,
Ketika ditanya bagaimana untuk menjadi soleh, kerana kemarahan adalah datangnya dari syaitan.
Jika seorang wanita tidak dapat mengawal kemarahannya dengan orang asing yang baru saja ia temui, apakah kalian fikir dia akan dapat mengawal amarah terhadap suaminya??
Pelajaran akhlak dari kisah tersebut adalah,
pernikahan berdasarkan:
Ilmu, bukan hanya penampilan (kecantikan)
Amal, bukan hanya berceramah atau bukan hanya membaca
Mudah memaafkan, tidak mudah marah
Ketaatan/ketundukan/kesalehan, bukan sekadar nafsu
Dan memilih pasangan yang seharusnya:
Mencintai Allah lebih dari segalanya
Mencintai Rasulullah (salallahu ‘alai wa sallam) melebihi manusia manapun
Memiliki ilmu Islam, dan beramal/berbuat sesuai itu.
Dapat mengawal kemarahan
Dan mudah diajak bermusyawarah, dan semua hal yang sesuai dengan ketentuan Syari’at Islam.
Rasulullah salalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang ertinya:
“Wanita dinikahi kerana empat hal, [pertama] kerana hartanya, nasabnya, kecantikannya, dan agamanya. Carilah yang agamanya baik, jika tidak maka kamu akan tersungkur fakir”.
(Hadith Riwayat Bukhari no. 5090, Muslim no. 1466)

Sunday 8 December 2013


For this chapter we learned about the meaning of corporate culture which is refers to the shared values, attitudes, core beliefs and company traditions that determine norms of behavior, accepted work practiced and style of operating. Every company have a different type of corporate culture.

Suddently, i was thinking about if i'm can be someone who can creates my own culture for my company i could apply this in my company.
"you have to learn to treat people as a have to ask not what do they cost, but what is the yield, what can they produce?"
quoted : Peter F Drucker
1.I want to create a programme that can always apply in my office  which is "we are a big family". We treated staff as a family. In time, it can help to build a good relation and good surrounding and after all we can work happily.
2.I'm also want to emphasize the islamic value in my office. Because when they have a good islamic spiritual they can work honestly, full responsibility and ikhlas. Actually this value is very hard to find in staff behavior now.
3.I'm also want to reward them with fair as their works.
I think by apply this value, maybe it can help my organization to improve better and create a good working environment with my good staff.


for his entry i would like to share with you some knowledge that i get in my class last tuesday. this chapter is consent about how to allocating the resources, knowing how well strategy faciliting policies and procedure can facilitate good strategy execution. manager need to think what resources (in term of people, funding and etc) will be need and how to distributed it's because the company's various organizational unit. Manager shouldbe deeply involved in reviewing budget proposal it's because they will effect the company in future. The funding requirements of good strategy must drive how capital will be allocate for each operating.
Underfunding organization units and activities to the strategy implement.

Well strategy facility policies and operating procedures facilitated strategy execution in three ways:
  • Provide top-down guidance regarding how things need to be done.
  • Enforcing consistency in how execution-critical activities are perform.
  • Promoting the creation of a work climate conducive to good strategy execution.
A best practise is a method of performing an activity that consistently delivers superior results compared to the other approach. Benchmarking, best practice adoption, business process reengineering, total quality management (TQM) and six sigma program program are important management tools for promoting better strategy execution.

Strategy-supportive motivational practices and reward system are powerful tool for gaining employee commitment focusing their attention on the strategy execution goals. So, here i would like to share the real experience. How my employer rewarded me. The organization that i worked is Uncle Bob friend Chicken Franchise.

As we know franchising is a practice of using another firm's successful business model. For the franchisor, the franchise is an another alternative to building "chain store" to distribute goods to avoids the investment and liability of a chain. The franchisor's success depends on the success of the franchisees. The franchisee have a greater incentive than a direct employee because he or she has a direct stake in the business.Essentially, franchisor is a supplier who allows an operator, or a franchisee to use the supplier trademark and distribute the supplier's goods. In return, the operator pays the supplier a fee.

So, here i want to share same experience been a part time worker at Uncle Bob Friend Chicken. For me reward is a some benefit that our organization give to their worker as an encourage spirit to their worker for being more better in future. My employer rewarded me with a wages and others like breakfast treat, lunch treat and dinner treat for free. While in time he or she (employer) also cover the travel expenses to go to workplace. I'm also asking about if we have injured when we work then the employer will cover the expenses?

he or she said "yes".

To motivate their worker, Uncle Bob Friend Chicken also give their employees some bonuses wages depends on their employees collect sales on that day. For me, the most important thing is, i get a free training direct from my employer and gain a lot experience while working. Hopefully the reward will encourges the employee be more efficient and hardworkings to work in future.


This chapter explores about the three higlighted task which is :

  • Staffing the organization : recruiting and retained a powerful employee (experience, technical skill and intelectual capital ) with a strong management team.
  • Acquiring, developing, and strengthening key resources and capabilities : allocating the resources that will be used to the current strategy and updating the company capabilities to meet the market conditions and customers expectations.
  • Structuring the organization and work effort : organizing value chain and business process, establishing line of authority and reporting relationships and decide to delegate it.
Matching type of organizational structure to strategy execution requirement can be classified into a limited number of standard types.
the four basic type are: Simple structure, functional structure, multidivisional structure and the last but not least matrix structure.

1) SIMPLE STRUCTURE (also called line and staff structure and flat structure)
consist of a central executive (often the owner-manager) who handles all major decisions and oversees all operations with the help of small staff.

2) FUNTIONAL STRUCTURE (called departmental structure, unitary structure, or U-forms)
Organized into funtional departments, with departmental managers who report to the CEO and small corporate staff.

3) MULTIDIVISIONAL STRUCTURE (called divisional structure or M-forms)
Decentralized structure consisting of a set of operating divisions organized along business, product, customer group, and geographic lines, and a central corporate headquarters that allocates resources, provides support funtions, and monitors divisional activities.

4) MATRIX STRUCTURE (composite or combination structure)
Combines two or more organizational forms, with multiple reporting relationship. It's used to foster cross-unit collaboration.

Thursday 28 November 2013



"Make winners out of every business in your company.don't carry loser."
(jack welch-former CEO, General Electric)

Today i would like to share another topic that i already learned in my strategic management class last tuesday. Every corporate entities or business have a different strategy. The objective of diversification is to increase and  build shareholder value. Enter into any new businesses can take any of three forms: acquisition, internal start up, or joint venture. Every best choice depends on the firm's resources  and capability, the industry entry barrier, the important of speed, and the relative costs.
There a two fundamental approaches to diversification which related and unrelated diversification.

Related diversification: strong foundation or base for creating shareholder value.
Unrelated diversificaton : since the specialized resources and capabilities that a leveraged in related diversification to be more valuable competitive assets than the generalized resources and capabilities underlying unrelated, which in most cases are relatively common and easier to imitate.

Business diversification becomes a consideration when :
  • Spot opportunities for expanding into industries whose technologies and product complement it's present business.
  • It can leverage its collection of resources and capabilities by expanding into business where these resources and capabilities are valuable competitive assets.
  • Diversifying into additional businesses opens new avenues for reducing costs.
  • Has a powerful and well-known brand name that can be transferred to the product of other business .
Good company strategies is consist of 6 step.
  • Evaluate the long term attractiveness of the industries into which the company has diversified.
  • Evaluate the relative competitive strength of each of the company's business units.
  • Check for cross-business fit.
  • Check whether the firm's resources fit the resources requirement of it's present business line up.
  • Rank the performance prospects of the businesses from best to worst, and determined what the corporate parent's priority should be in allocating resources to its various business.
  • Crafting new business strategic moves to improve overall corporate performance.                                                                            


In the business field, "THERE IS NO MAGICAL TOUCH OR EASY WAYS TO SUCCESS".To be successfull an entreprenuer in future everyone should always hardworking and this field also asked a huge sacrifice .They should be strong, resilient and always positive in any time. Last tuesday we have sharing session with founder of Oshima Restaurant..

"when we ride bikers, cycling must be done constantly, if not, the bike will stop moving and we would lose fall down".

I think this phrase is suitable to explained about doing business. In my opinion there are few ways to do to succeed and survive in this field which is:

  • Good planning : it is very important to plan what our company will become 5 years from now, 10 years from now. 
  • Management : A good strategic management is very helpfull to the founder to manage their business. Such as like Oshima Restaurant should manage properly their resources, capital and so on.
  • Evaluation : get the evaluation and comment from customer and tried to fulfill the customer needs.
  • Action : Take a possible action to response.
  • Business spirit : the most important element when we want to set up business. Try again,again and again when you fail..There is no word of give up in the businessman/ woman life dictionary.

Monday 25 November 2013



are you still remember this song??Yes!! This jingle is easily memorized because we often singing at primary school right? But how many of us know the meaning of this phrase. Each challenge is a bitter pill to swallow. Each disaster is great to be borne “Heavy eyes looking more heavier shoulder”. To nourish the plants in the garden do not the fertilizer with sugar water but stinky shit is the best fertilizer for blooming plants refresh. Man who will "winner" are those who brave soul. Excellent man is not the one who burned suffering in life, but the brilliance belongs to those who successfully bucked everything with patience and perseverance.

The above sentence is enough to explain that in order to compete the international market is complicated. It’s because the market is large and the competition is fierce. A person should be willing to sacrifice and also create a good strategic plan to control so that it runs smoothly. That’s why before enter to the foreign market several factors need to be identified which is :

  •  To gain access to new customers.
  •  To spread business risk across a wider market base.
  • To gain access to resources and capabilities located in foreign markets.
  • To exploit its core competencies.
  • To achieve lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increases purchasing power.

Figure shown the diamond of national competitive advantage 

A strong industries are made up of strong firms, the strategies of firms that expand internationally are usually grounded in one or more of these factors. The four major factors are summarized in a framework developed by michael porter.

One a company decides to expand beyond its domestic borders, it must consider the question of how to enter foreign market.There are six primary strategic options for doing so :

  • Export strategies.
  •  Licensing strategies.
  • Franchising strategies.
  •  Foreign subsidiary strategies.
  • Alliance and joint venture strategies.
  • The risk of strategic alliances with foreign partners.

While competing internationally there are three main strategic approaches was applied:

§  Multidomestic strategy : company varies its product offering and competitive approach from country to country in and effort to be respobility to differing buyer preferences and market conditions.
§  Global strategy : company employs the same basic competitive approach in all countries where it operates, sells much the same products everywhere, strives to build global brand, and coordinates its actions worldwide with strong headquarters control. It represents a think-global, act-global approach.
§  Transnational strategy-Think global,Act global : incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies.